Grade Separation construction in London

Reducing Traffic Congestion

Our experts at Bauer Foundations Canada were contracted to construct a cutoff wall, a permanent retaining wall, temporary protection systems, and a pumping station shaft for the construction of a grade separation in London, Ontario, Canada. The grade separation was required to realign a four lane road, with multi-use pathways, below a busy rail corridor. Multiple techniques: We installed 315 linear metres of cut off wall, a total of 489 secant piles, 618 square metres of timber lagging, and 42 temporary anchors. Significant planning was required to coordinate complex operations at this busy construction site.

Facts about the project
Company :

BAUER Foundations Canada Inc.

Location :

Adelaide Street and CP Rail crossing, London, Ontario, Canada

Project name :

Adelaide Street Grade Separation

Period :

April 2022 to April 2023

Services :

Cutter-Soil-Mixing, Secant, Retaining wall, Protection systems

Reducing Traffic Congestion

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